
How To Migrate Websites In Kloxo

Here are the simple few minutes steps that you can use to migrate your websites from one Kloxo Panel to another simply one server to another server .

For the test am taking the following references :

Domain : domain.com
Database Details :-
->Hostname : localhost
->Database Name : db_test
->Database Username : db_test
->Database Pass : password

Old Server Kloxo : Kloxo 1
New Server Kloxo : Kloxo 2

Old Server SSH : SSH 1
New Server SSH : SSH 2

Note : Do not change your DNS to new server as we need old domain working to wget the files and database .

Here we go :-

Step 1 . Login to your Kloxo 1 and login using root in SSH 1 .
Step 2 . Lets assume that we are moving domain.com to different server , go to File Manager > domain.com 

Then select your domain.com . It should show your files .

Step 3 . First unhide all files , Just click on T Hidden .

Step 4 . Then select all files using the checkbox . Then click on Zip , it will take few mins depending upon your processor speed .

Now you’ll be having something named NewArchive-Month-Year-Date.zip in your files .

The location for your archive is /home/admin/domain.com/ .

Step 5 . Head over to the SSH 1 .

Files backup is done , we’ll now going to take backup of your site database .

To backup database run the below command .

[code]mysqldump -u db_test -p db_test | gzip -4 > /home/admin/domain.com/db_test.sql.gz[/code]

After this command is executed it will then ask for your database password , just put the password as “password” . Remember its an database password not the Mysql root password .

Once password is given , it will start backup of database and place it with your site files .
Step 6 . Login to Kloxo 2 and SSH 2 .

Step 7 . Now create a new domain.com on new server in Kloxo 2 .

Click on Domain tab :-

Then add your domain.com here :- 

Step 8 . Now head over to SSH 2 .

Execute the following commands .

[code]cd /home/admin/domain.com[/code]


Now we’ll fetch files from old server to new server .

[code]wget domain.com/NewArchive-Month-Year-Date.zip[/code]
[code]wget domain.com/db_test.sql.gz[/code]

Step 9 . We now start procedure to restore files .

Be sure you still in same directory in SSH 2 .

[code]unzip NewArchive-Month-Year-Date.zip[/code]

The above command will extract files .

Step 10 . Now in order to restore Database , you first need to create new database in Kloxo 2 .

Click on MySQL Databases and then click tab for “Add Mysql Database” .

After the database creation , head back to SSH 2 .

Execute the following command .

[code]gunzip < /home/admin/domain.com/db_test.sql.gz | mysql -u db_test -p -h localhost db_test[/code]

Again , use your database password to proceed with the restore . Remember it needed the database password to proceed not the root mysql password .

Finally , in the end your site is successfully migrated from one server to another .

If anyone is facing any issues in migration then you can leave a comment , we’d be happy to assist .

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