
How to install cPanel on VPS

Preparing to install cPanel & WHM

After successfully installing your operating system, you are ready to install cPanel & WHM or cPanel DNSONLY.

To install this software, you must first:

  1. Access your server. If you do not have physical access, you can connect to your server remotely via SSH.
  2. Check your operating system’s configuration.
  3. Obtain a cPanel license.
  4. Run the installation commands.

Installing cPanel & WHM

To install cPanel & WHM, run these commands:

  1. cd /home — Opens the /home directory.
  2. wget -N http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/latest — Fetches the latest installation files from cPanel’s servers.
  3. sh latest — Opens and executes the installation files.

If licensing fails (due to a strict firewall or modified IP), run the command /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt to activate your cPanel & WHM license.

Installing cPanel DNSONLY

To install cPanel DNSONLY, run these commands:

  1. cd /home — Opens the /home directory.
  2. wget -N http://httpupdate.cpanel.net/latest-dnsonly — Fetches the latest installation files from cPanel’s servers.
  3. sh latest-dnsonly — Opens and executes the installation files.

Getting started in WHM

To access the WHM interface:

  1. Enter https://$IP:2087 into your preferred web browser.
    • $IP represents your server’s IP address.
  2. Enter root into the Name field.
  3. Enter your root password into the Password field.
  4. Click Log In.


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