
How to Install Minecraft Server on

Virtual servers are the ideal hosts for minecraft servers. Setting up a Minecraft server is simple, but there are a few requirements you must double-check:

Xen-based VPS. Due to differences in how Java works with OpenVZ and Xen, a Xen server is recommended for best performance.

At least 1gb of RAM. Less will work for a small server, but 1gb or more is recommended.

CentOS operating system installed.


On to the Minecraft server setup:


1. Start by installing Java-JDK:

# yum install java-1.6.0-openjdk

2. Check if Java was installed:

# which java

The following will be displayed if it was properly installed:

# /usr/bin/java

3. Switch to the root directory, if you’re not there already:

# cd

4. Create a directory for Minecraft:

# mkdir Minecraft

5. Enter the directory:

# cd Minecraft

6. Download Minecraft:

# wget http://minecraft.net/download/minecraft_server.jar

7. CHMOD the Minecraft .jar like so:

# chmod +x minecraft_server.jar

8. Minecraft is now installed. You’ll now need to install “screen” to keep the Minecraft server running after the SSH session is closed.

# yum install screen

9. Use the screen and run Minecraft. Enter screen:

# screen

10. Start up Minecraft (you can edit the 1024M value to match your server’s RAM):

# java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui

To get back to the normal screen, press these keys: Control+A+D

To get back to the screen where Minecraft is running:

# screen -r

You should now be off and running with a fully functional Minecraft server!

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