
Shine Servers LLP empowers students offers

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Shine Servers LLP is excited to announce free Shared Web Hosting & 30% Off On Dedicated Servers For Lifetime.

Dear Customers,

Shine Servers LLP offers a wide range of Web Hosting Services including Self-Managed and Managed Dedicated Servers, Shared Web Hosting, Reseller Solutions, Control Panels, SSL Certificates and Domain Registration. If you require a presence on the web, we have a solution to suit your needs.

Between climbing tuition, high cost of living and low employment, college students are always living on a tight budget. Even at my older times I as a student expected something extra from every store i visit, maybe some sort of extra discount or it can be a free Coffee at Starbucks but it’s always feels quite pleasant while having these sort of freebies when on a fixed budget.

Therefore, We are excited to announce that Shine Servers is now providing “Free Shared Web Hosting” & “30% Discount On Dedicated Servers” for LIFETIME (Only For STUDENTS).

Yes, that’s right & Effective Immediately !

Features Of Free Shared Web Hosting :

>> 24/7 Technical Support (Works As Expected)
>> 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
>> Pure Raid-10 Drive Storage
>> Latest cPanel/WHM with CloudLinux
>> NGINX Web Server
>> Multiple PHP Versions
>> Softaculous One-Click Installer
>> CloudFlare CDN Plugin
>> PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript, SSI & MySQL Support
Free Plan Configuration :

5 GB Performance Raid-10 Drive Storage
500GB Premium Bandwidth
Latest cPanel
One-Click Installer Softaculous
CloudFlare CDN Plugin
3 Add-On Domains
Unlimited Sub Domains
Unlimited Parked Domains
Unlimited MySQL Databases
Unlimited FTP Accounts
Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
Unlimited Forwarders
Unlimited Auto Responders
SSH Access
Ruby On Rails
Perl, CGI, Python, cURL, GD2, ionCube PHP Loader, phpMyAdmin
Activation Time: Instant

How To Order a Free Shared Web Hosting:

1. To Avail the Free Shared Hosting, Click Here To Order
2. Once Ordered, Do not pay the invoice that has been generated while order processing instead Raise a ticket at our Client Area by attaching your Student ID Card.
3. Once your ID is “Verified” then we will instantly setup your hosting.

How To Order a Discounted Dedicated Server:

Kindly use StudentShineDEDICATED Coupon Code To avail 30% Recurring Discount on any Dedicated Server listed here
If anyone is facing any issues, please feel free to raise a ticket at our Customer Support or Email Us directly.

Suggestions are most welcome!

Thank You!
Bharat Vashist

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